Previous Rallies, Vigils and Events.
July 2024

AFC member groups, Coalition members, and others marched calling for an end to the genocide in Gaza, a permanent cease-fire, and an end to the occupation.
We collected signatures to put the Apartheid Free Community pledge referendum on the Montpelier ballot, and brought the urgent demand to end U.S. support for Israeli apartheid, occupation, and settler colonialism to thousands of spectators.

At Burlington City Hall, Sunday June 2nd, 2024
Media Reports
The Rake Vermont.
May/June 2024
Systemic Connections Between Struggles for Liberation

Saturday May 25th, 2024 – 2-4pm
Burlington City Hall, Contois Auditorium,
149 Church Street, Burlington, VT.
April 2024

“Dispossession and Expulsion from the River to the Sea:
The Endgame of Israel’s 76-year war of Terror”
At the University of Vermont – Recording here
But Thomas Suárez’ talk at UVM had poor quality sound. People have asked about accessing a better recording – it’s here. It’s a recording of Suárez’ talk entitled: Justifying Slaughter: How the Cult of Messianic Zionism Conquered the West at UMass-Amherst on April 16, 2024.
This talk was very similar to his talk in Burlington. He addressed the historical roots of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the complicity of Western governments in manufacturing consent to the continuing horrors unfolding in Gaza and the West Bank, and what it will take to fundamentally transform Israel’s current apartheid policies and liberate the Palestinian people.
Both at UVM and UMass he presented and uncompromising and refreshingly insightful analysis of the ‘marketing’ of the Zionist narrative and its ‘brand’.
The Israel-Palestine “conflict” is typically misunderstood to be a clash between two ethnic groups – Arabs and Jews – inhabiting the same land. Thomas Suárez digs deep below these preconceptions and supporting “narratives” to expose something starkly different: The violent take-over of Palestine by a European racial-nationalist settler movement, Zionism, using terror to assert by force a claim to the land that has no legal or moral basis.
Drawing extensively from original source documents, Suárez interweaves secret intelligence reports, newly-declassified military and diplomatic correspondence, and the Zionist terrorists’ own records boasting of their successes. The use of terror was wide-spread, deliberate and sustained, whose same leaders then established and led the Israeli state. The book proves that Israel’s regime of expropriation and Apartheid against the Palestinians are not the result of complex historical circumstances, but the intended, singular goal of Zionism since its beginning.
Thomas Suárez is author of Palestine Hijacked: How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea.
He is a London-based historical researcher and former West Bank resident. He devoted several years to researching poorly-tapped and newly-declassified historical archives to compile this story.
Link to a talk by the author on YouTube.
Sponsored by VTJP, UVM SJP, Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation, and Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series.
March 2024

Reports here:
Vermonters Protest Matisyahu at Higher Ground over Gaza Genocide RakeVermont, March 14, 2024 by Patrick St. John
Activists Protest Outside Matisyahu Show at Higher Ground Seven Days, March 14, 2024 by Chris Farnswort.
Photo by RakeVermont

Will Miller Lecture Series
“No New Prisons: Reimagining Communities Through Collective Organizing”
March 26, 2024, 7:00 pm at University of Vermont, Lafayette Hall L207
Supporting signers of the Letter to Pres. Biden signed by 64 VT legislators and Lt. Governor David Zuckerman
The letter starts: We, the undersigned Vermont elected officials, implore you to take immediate action to demand a permanent ceasefire in the Israeli government’s military campaign in Gaza, to conditionally halt any further arms sales or military aid to the Israeli government, and to use diplomatic means to urge all parties to cease hostilities and talk peace.
February 2024
Montpelier – February 20th, 2024: All Eyes on Rafah – sponsored by JVP-VT/NH
January 2024

Rally and March for Gaza
Stop Israel’s Genocidal War Now! Free Palestine!
January 20th 1pm
City Hall, 149 Church St., Burlington, VT.
Videos of the Rally
WCAX report: “Organizers say local Free Palestine Movement is growing” WCAX TV, By Sophia Thomas, Jan. 20, 2024,
Israel is carrying out a genocide in Gaza. It has killed over 23,000 people, obliterated entire cities, driven 2 million Palestinians from their homes, and blocked humanitarian aid, precipitating mass hunger and disease. It has repressed Palestinians within its borders, launched attacks on the West Bank, and bombed Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, threatening a regional war. The Biden administration has supported, funded, and armed Israel in our name and with our tax dollars. We must unite to stop Israel’s war and stand with Palestinians in the struggle for liberation from Israeli occupation, siege, and apartheid.

photo: The Rake Vermont
o Vermonters Blockade Military Contractor in Vergennes Over Role in Gaza The Rake Vermont, January 15, 2024 by Patrick St. John
Group of Jewish Vermonters demand ceasefire in Gaza during protest in Vergennes MyNBC 5, WPTZ Plattsburgh-Burlington, Story by Michael Cusanelli, Jan. 15, 2024
o Protestors block the entrance of Vergennes Collins Aerospace plant and call for ceasefire in GazaWFFF Burlington by Matt Holderman, Jan. 15, 2024
o Anti-war protesters target Vergennes weapons facility to call for cease-fire in Gaza Waving Palestinian flags and signs that said “Stop Arming Genocide” and “Stop The War Machine,” protesters blocked the facility’s entrances to prevent new personnel from entering the building in an attempt to shut down production for the afternoon. VT Digger, by Habib Sabet, January 15, 2024.
o OutRightVT Rally on Martin Luther King Day 2024 in Burlington
December 2023
Tuesday December 19th
Saturday December 2nd
1-3 pm
State House Lawn
Hundreds rallied in front of the State House in Montpelier – Saturday December 2nd, 2023.
The crowd and the speakers represented people who share the sense of outrage at the genocide in Palestine, enabled and funded by our government.
It was a convergence of Palestinians, First Nation People, Migrant Workers, Union members, Artists – a whole spectrum of American people.
All demanding Free Palestine! End the Occupation! Stop Funding Genocide!
VT Digger report here
Peter Schumann (Bread and Puppet Theater) – recording:
“We – who are not dead – yet.
But are born into a civilization that routinely produces large quantities of death!
As part of its mechandise…”
November 2023
Burlington City Hall
For Black Friday, and Christmas tree lighting
Sunday December 3rd, 10 am – 3pm
Scan the QR code to register and receive information about the location in the Montpelier/Barre area.

In collaboration with the National March on Washington: Free Palestine!
Saturday, November 4th, 2023
Battery Park, Burlington
Israel has declared total war against the people of Gaza. It has also carried out attacks in the West Bank and into the surrounding region. With the full military, economic, and diplomatic support of the U.S., the Israeli military is killing thousands of Palestinians, destroying schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, and houses, and forcing hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. We must stand with Palestinians in Gaza, historic Palestine, and throughout the world.
•Stop Israel’s Genocidal War
•End the Siege of Gaza
•Provide Immediate Humanitarian Aid to Gaza
•Defend the Civil Rights of Palestinians and Palestine Solidarity Activists
•Stop All Aid to Israel
•Enforce Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel

started at the steps of City Hall, then the Rally re-located to a fund-raiser for Rep. Becca Ballint to demand our Washington Congressional delegation call for ending US-funded genocide, and:
- an immediate Ceasefire;
- humanitarian aid to Gaza;
- no more military aid to Israel
Media reports below – ‘The Rake Vermont’ and ‘VT Digger’ have a lot more detail.
“Protesters in Burlington call for ceasefire in Israel-Hamas war”
VT Digger “U.S. Rep. Becca Balint. They demanded that the first-term representative meet with them in person.” by Patrick Crowley, November 9, 2023.
The Rake Vermont “Protesters Disrupt Rep. Balint Fundraiser, Demand Ceasefire and End to Military Aid to Israel.” November 9, 2023, by Patrick St. John.
Including video of the Rally and Rep. Ballint speaking about her options.
Vermonters for Justice in Palestine, UVM Students for Justice in Palestine, Tempest Collective, Migrant Justice, FreeHer Vermont, Champlain Valley Democratic Socialists of America, UVM Democratic Socialists of America, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series, People’s Kitchen
Despite apparent news black-out in main stream media, here is a report of actions around the globe: From The Guardian
Montreal “Thousands in Montreal demonstrated in support of people in Gaza on Saturday, drawing attention to the humanitarian crisis and demanding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau call for an immediate ceasefire.”
Local coverage here from The Rake
Media Advisory – Report to Media.

November 9th in Middlebury – “Open to Middlebury College Community Only”

Rally on Burlington’s Church Street
5 pm, Friday Nov 17th
Hundreds of people gathered at City Hall Park to support the people of Palestine and to protest the genocide and dispossession of the people ‘From the River to the Sea’ and the coordinated and concerted efforts of the colonial powers to perpetuate their own crimes.
People also spoke passionately about their fears for the Jewish people everywhere because of the actions of Zionist Israel supposedly in their name.
Others spoke of the intimidation of Palestinian people at UVM, and urged us to rise up and continue the struggle against racism and all struggles for liberation and freedom from exploitation. Representatives from local organizations spoke, including Central Vermont Jewish Voice for Peace, Burlington Tenants United, Vermonters for Justice in Palestine, Vermont Peace Antiwar Coalition, and the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the primary sponsor of the event. .