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Vermonters for a Just Peace
in Palestine/Israel

Ben & Jerry's: Stop selling Ice Cream in Illegal Settlements!


Occupation, Inc.

Human Rights Watch is Watching... Ben & Jerry's ...
And other corporations investing and doing business in illegal Jewish-only settlements in Occupied Palestine.
Please read Human Rights Watch new, damning report on the unethical or unlawful collusion of businesses with Israel's military occupation and settlement regime. (Details below)
Then contact Ben & Jerry's CEO Jostein Solheim.
You can use our suggested script, or write your own. Tell CEO Solheim it's time to take international law and his company's social mission seriously in the occupied Palestinian territory.
Ben & Jerry's: Progressive except for Palestine isn't Progressive!

Date, sign and print (edit if you wish) and mail this suggested text as a letter to Ben & Jerry's;
-> Send this email (can be edited) to Ben & Jerry's CEO Jostein Solheim.

Thanks again for your support,
Ian Stokes
for Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israil BDS Committee
Human Rights Watch has just released (January 2016) a damning report:

Occupation, Inc.
How Settlement Businesses Contribute to Israel's Violations of Palestinian Rights
The report makes three major recommendations to businesses active in Israeli settlements:
- Cease activities carried out inside settlements;
- Avoid financing, administering or otherwise supporting settlements or settlement related activities and infrastructure, to ensure the businesses are not indirectly contributing to and benefiting from such activities;
- Conduct human rights due diligence.

The report documents in over 100 pages how almost immediately after Israel's military occupation of the West Bank in 1967 the Israeli government began establishing settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
From the outset, private businesses have been involved in Israel's settlement policies, benefiting from and contributing to them.
The report details the ways in which Israeli and international businesses have helped to build, finance, service, and market settlement communities. Businesses are drawn to settlements by low rents, favorable tax rates, government subsidies, and access to cheap Palestinian labor.
It's clearer than ever how Ben & Jerry's ice cream sold in illegal settlements supports Israel's Violations of Palestinian Rights.
Will they act now?

Email Ben & Jerry's CEO Jostein Solheim and demand an explanation.

Show Support
Please continue to send e-mails to the CEO, and gather organizational endorsements in support of the campaign.

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